

Workshop "AACSB Training"

 Registration Closed
Date: 2024-09-09 00:00 - 2024-09-10 00:00

Venue: Islamabad

Workshop - “AACSB Training”

Introduction: Training 1 - Faculty Standards and Tables

Faculty resources, including the adequacy and qualifications of faculty, are essential to the success of a business school and a key focus of AACSB Accreditation under the 2020 standards. This workshop will provide actionable insights into completing the AACSB tables (3-1, 3-2, and 8-1) and will help identify best practices for aligning with these standards through effective faculty management and development plans. Examples will be used to learn how to calculate and report on faculty intellectual contributions, sufficiency, qualifications, engagement, and deployment. Participants are encouraged to bring faculty-related data from their own institution to complete tables with their own school’s information.

Learning Outcomes:

  1. Interpret AACSB accreditation standards related to faculty and research—in particular standards 3 and 8 of the 2020 Accreditation Standards—and apply them to your school.
  2. Align research and faculty management policies with related standards and empower faculty to contribute to establishing and achieving the school’s mission and strategic objectives.
  3. Learn best practices and innovative examples from other schools in the context of accreditation.
  4. Build a peer support network.

Who Should Attend:

Deans, associate deans, department chairs or heads, quality assurance professionals, accreditation managers, and those responsible for faculty management and reporting.

Introduction: Training 2 - Thought Leadership and Research Impact

Develop a model to advance your school’s mission through impactful research and thought leadership. Ensure your institution makes a meaningful difference by focusing on research that aligns with your mission. Through interactive sessions, breakout discussions, and best practices, you will explore effective strategies for generating impactful research, measuring its impact, and meeting the expectations of AACSB Standard 8. Special attention will be given to societal impact, including how to identify and integrate research with societal relevance into your school’s agenda. The seminar will feature trends, examples, and case studies, offering opportunities to engage with peers to identify challenges and develop strategies for enhancing research and thought leadership impact.

Learning Outcomes:

  1. Have a deep understanding of the 2020 Standards requirements for thought leadership and research impact.
  2. Understand the importance of thought leadership for a business school and how to align this with their mission.
  3. Recognize the relevance and significance of impact in business school research, how it can be measured and the implications for a business school of including a focus on societal impact in its research.
  4. Know how to develop a model for societal impact research that ensures alignment with the mission of the school.
  5. Reflect on and evaluate the progress their school is making in the areas of thought leadership and research impact.


  1. Dr. Geoff Perry,
    Executive Vice President, Chief Membership Officer, and Managing Director, Asia Pacifice, AASCB


  1. Workshop/Seminar Registration Fee:  100,000/-PKR.
  2. In case of replacements, transfer and refund, participant should officially notify via email/letter to NBEAC 10 working days prior to the workshop. After that NBEAC will not entertain any claims and changes.
  3. NBEAC may cancel or postpone a workshop/program due to insufficient registration or unforeseen** circumstances. In this case, NBEAC will refund registration fee but will not be responsible for any other related expenses including cancellation charges by airline and travel agencies.
  4. In case of postponement, the fee may be transferred to the rescheduled offering of that workshop or any other workshop as an alternate to refund. The NBEAC reserves the right to make changes in its program policies and fees at any time.

** If unforeseen circumstances occurs during the workshop and one day before the scheduled workshop, NBEAC will not refund the registration fee.

Will upload after the event.



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NBEAC has three main functions: accreditation, training and networking. In its accreditation function, it develops and implements standards to improve the quality of business education in Pakistan. In its training function, it provides opportunities to faculty and managers to learn about quality standards and related matters. In its networking function, it provides a forum for business education professionals to learn from each other through conferences and seminars.